Goal 1: Recruitment

  • Strategy 1: Leverage the institutional systems and resources to enhance recruitment of faculty and staff to attract and hire a diverse pool of excellent candidates for key positions at the university
  • Strategy 2: Increase consistency of how different departments conduct searches in order to make sure that we are using best practices, with emphasis on faculty searches 
  • Strategy 3: Develop an intentional five-year hiring plan for faculty and staff in the college, inclusive of succession planning
  • Strategy 4: Design an intentional plan for meeting start-up needs for faculty

Goal 2: Development

  • Strategy 1: Develop tools to identify strengths and weaknesses and provide support for key leaders
  • Strategy 2: Develop processes by which we identify emerging leaders and equip and train them before they step into leadership roles
  • Strategy 3: Provide intentional and diverse opportunities for mentor training and mentoring
  • Strategy 4: Gather feedback about key leaders and provide them the supports to adapt their leadership in response to feedback
  • Strategy 5: Help faculty and staff to recognize the career life cycle, place themselves within that, and develop them from stage to stage in that cycle

Goal 3: Retention

  • Strategy 1: Provide opportunities for success and recognition of that success in the faculty or staff position
  • Strategy 2: Address the process by which the college awards merit increases for faculty and staff
  • Strategy 3: Implement faculty and staff performance review processes that better align with performance expectations
  • Strategy 4: Foster a professional culture that builds institutional loyalty
A portrait of Christopher Cheatum, Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences

Christopher Cheatum

Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical and Social Sciences
A portrait of Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities, Roland Racevskis

Roland Racevskis

Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities

Year Two Progress

Faculty recruitment, development, and retention

  • Created a DEO nomination, selection, and evaluation policy aligned with the published expectations of DEO leaders
  • Increased frequency of 1-1 meetings with DEOs (every 2-3 weeks)
  • Redesigned faculty reviews and faculty promotion workshops to provide better career-development feedback
  • Conducted 1-1 meetings with faculty to recognize strong performers and better understand those facing challenges in career trajectory
  • Successful DEO recruitments in CSD and Biology including first UI transformational hire

  • Overhauled the faculty merit review process

  • Addressed longstanding salary compression (ongoing)
  • Revised the 5-year review process and trained DEOs on annual and 5-year reviews
  • Supported development of performance improvement plans (PIP)
  • Implemented feedback and development program and professional coaching support for ADs

Staff recruitment, development, and retention

  • Co-led an administrative review of roles and responsibilities, resulting in identifying areas to improve consistency in the search process
  • Piloted 2023-2024 staff proposal review process for advancements, promotions, and new staffing, and anticipated  changes in 2024-2025
  • Developed and provided training for supervisors on giving performance feedback and performing stay interviews
  • Identified and sponsored emerging leaders for UI Lead
  • Provided supervisory training for staff performance management, addressing evaluation, feedback, and retention efforts
  • Piloted CLAS New Staff Orientation – half day session for staff new to the college (new hire and transfers from other UI units)

Year Three Priorities

Arts and Humanities

  • Initiate Humanities Strategy Group to strengthen support of these areas and
  • Continue partnership with OVPR to support arts and humanities in CLAS
  • Work with GSO, OVPR, Provost’s Office, and Obermann Center to increase faculty success in external awards
  • Support Obermann Center leadership transition
  • Pursue transformational hire in Arts & Humanities
  • Strengthen organizational structure in DWLLC
  • Support SAAH repositioning efforts
  • Collaborate with DEOs on social analysis areas charge and related changes
  • Support greater coordination of Writing Hubs
  • Reassess joint appointments

Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences

  • Work with DEOs and departments to update 5-yr hiring plans and use them for long-term strategy
  • Develop a leadership pipeline and succession plans in CLAS departments
  • Develop new sources and long-term plan for faculty startup funding
  • Develop a cohort-based leadership training program for emerging mid-career faculty leaders
  • Work with DEI committee to create a CLAS faculty mentoring program with mentor training
  • Meet with groups of faculty in strategic areas to engage in long-range planning conversations
  • Continue to look at salary compression across departments
  • Complete 1-1 meetings with faculty
  • Meet with groups of faculty in strategic areas to engage in long-range planning conversations
  • Work with DEOs and ADs to develop a framework for differential teaching loads in the sciences
  • Support structural evolution in environment and sustainability-related areas
  • Support evolution and strengthening of communication-related areas including faculty, assessing staffing needs and structure, and developing shared programs and resources
  • Pursue senior, potentially transformational, hire in Physics and Astronomy
  • Work with DEOs to revise/update/strengthen strategic plans

Human Resources

  • Align administrative and HR procedures through an updated roles and responsibilities document for searches
  • Revisit staffing proposal process for improved communication and process, with a 2–3 year horizon
  • Develop and implement unconscious bias training for staff searches that aligns with the faculty search process
  • Develop a process for multi-rater departmental administrator performance feedback and evaluation
  • Continue AD feedback and development program
  • Evaluate annual staff recognition in collaboration with CLAS Staff Council
  • Develop a template for supervisors for determining merit increases
  • Develop an evaluative process for merit increases for department administrators

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