Christopher Cheatum
Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical and Social Sciences

Roland Racevskis
Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities
Year Two Progress
Faculty recruitment, development, and retention
- Created a DEO nomination, selection, and evaluation policy aligned with the published expectations of DEO leaders
- Increased frequency of 1-1 meetings with DEOs (every 2-3 weeks)
- Redesigned faculty reviews and faculty promotion workshops to provide better career-development feedback
- Conducted 1-1 meetings with faculty to recognize strong performers and better understand those facing challenges in career trajectory
Successful DEO recruitments in CSD and Biology including first UI transformational hire
Overhauled the faculty merit review process
- Addressed longstanding salary compression (ongoing)
- Revised the 5-year review process and trained DEOs on annual and 5-year reviews
- Supported development of performance improvement plans (PIP)
- Implemented feedback and development program and professional coaching support for ADs
Staff recruitment, development, and retention
- Co-led an administrative review of roles and responsibilities, resulting in identifying areas to improve consistency in the search process
- Piloted 2023-2024 staff proposal review process for advancements, promotions, and new staffing, and anticipated changes in 2024-2025
- Developed and provided training for supervisors on giving performance feedback and performing stay interviews
- Identified and sponsored emerging leaders for UI Lead
- Provided supervisory training for staff performance management, addressing evaluation, feedback, and retention efforts
- Piloted CLAS New Staff Orientation – half day session for staff new to the college (new hire and transfers from other UI units)
Year Three Priorities
Arts and Humanities
- Initiate Humanities Strategy Group to strengthen support of these areas and
- Continue partnership with OVPR to support arts and humanities in CLAS
- Work with GSO, OVPR, Provost’s Office, and Obermann Center to increase faculty success in external awards
- Support Obermann Center leadership transition
- Pursue transformational hire in Arts & Humanities
- Strengthen organizational structure in DWLLC
- Support SAAH repositioning efforts
- Collaborate with DEOs on social analysis areas charge and related changes
- Support greater coordination of Writing Hubs
- Reassess joint appointments
Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences
- Work with DEOs and departments to update 5-yr hiring plans and use them for long-term strategy
- Develop a leadership pipeline and succession plans in CLAS departments
- Develop new sources and long-term plan for faculty startup funding
- Develop a cohort-based leadership training program for emerging mid-career faculty leaders
- Work with DEI committee to create a CLAS faculty mentoring program with mentor training
- Meet with groups of faculty in strategic areas to engage in long-range planning conversations
- Continue to look at salary compression across departments
- Complete 1-1 meetings with faculty
- Meet with groups of faculty in strategic areas to engage in long-range planning conversations
- Work with DEOs and ADs to develop a framework for differential teaching loads in the sciences
- Support structural evolution in environment and sustainability-related areas
- Support evolution and strengthening of communication-related areas including faculty, assessing staffing needs and structure, and developing shared programs and resources
- Pursue senior, potentially transformational, hire in Physics and Astronomy
- Work with DEOs to revise/update/strengthen strategic plans
Human Resources
- Align administrative and HR procedures through an updated roles and responsibilities document for searches
- Revisit staffing proposal process for improved communication and process, with a 2–3 year horizon
- Develop and implement unconscious bias training for staff searches that aligns with the faculty search process
- Develop a process for multi-rater departmental administrator performance feedback and evaluation
- Continue AD feedback and development program
- Evaluate annual staff recognition in collaboration with CLAS Staff Council
- Develop a template for supervisors for determining merit increases
- Develop an evaluative process for merit increases for department administrators