Christine Getz, University of Iowa

Christine Getz

Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Outreach and Engagement

Goal: Support the work of faculty, students, and staff in building partnerships with communities throughout the state, region, and nation

  • Strategy 1: Build a community of alumni partners to enhance the overall educational mission and student professional development
  • Strategy 2: Integrate outreach and community-engaged research into the undergraduate and graduate curricula
  • Strategy 3: Promote the impactful nature of outreach and community-engaged scholarship and teaching
  • Strategy 4: Generate revenue to promote outreach and community-engaged research

Year Two Progress

Expanded CEC-designated course offerings, particularly at the graduate level:

  • 11 undergrad courses and 1 graduate course in CLAS Fall 2022

  • 14 undergrad courses in CLAS Spring 2023

  • 20 undergrad courses and 4 graduate courses in CLAS Fall 2023 

Explored opportunities for Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) beyond CEC-designated courses including:

  • Humanities Without Walls team and Lula Merle Johnson project RA with Johnson County team
  • Expanded number of pilot GAs in ISA and Magid Center for AY 2023-24
  • Magid-ISA partnership in undergraduate science communication
  • Opportunities in grad science communication via ISA

Integrated models for community–engaged research and teaching into departmental tenure and promotion guidelines:

  • Added resources for presenting and reviewing CES on CLAS Engagement Hub
  • Incorporated Community Engaged Scholarship into CLAS promotion and tenure workshops
  • Encouraged DEOs to revise current departmental guidelines where applicable

Began development of Public Humanities Certificate under leadership of GWSS faculty

Year Three Priorities

  • Position Magid and ISA for the Future
  • Promote CLAS engagement with Iowa communities 
  • Create a formal structure linking departments to the CLAS Engagement Hub (and UI Office of Community Engagement)
  • Build Community-Engaged Course (CEC) data bank in Tableau
  • Propose the Public Humanities certificate


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